Fathers Of Nation kcse study Guide
Fathers Of Nation kcse study Guide
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The novel starts as four strangers check in at the Seamont hotel in Bunjul the same evening. They are given different rooms on different wings, the first to check in is Karanja Kimani, a professor at the Institute of Development studies at Nairobi University, Kenya is the first to check in the hotel and settle on the 4th floor of the East wing. He is a man aged about sixty years.
The second to sign in is Ngobile Melusi a Zimbabwean Citizen, Seventy years of age, and does not reveal his occupation is allocated the Fifth floor of the South wing.
The third to check in is Pastor Chineke Chiamaka a fifty year old man who hails from Nigeria and has a church in Lagos by the name Church inside Africa, “CIA” and takes a room on the sixth floor of the west wing.
The last stranger is yet another man, forty plus years old, Seif Tahir, An Engineer, formally employed by the Ministry of Defense in Tripoli Libya and checks in on the third floor on the north Wing.
Professor Kimani receives an anonymous call and a suitcase and instructions on how to open it is given and he has to acquaint himself with the materials in the briefcase. Similar calls are also made to Melusi, Pastor Chiamaka and later Engineer Tahir as the Last to all the three the caller gave the key one, one, two, four. At the hotel we also come to learn that other invited guests are there. We are introduced to Fiona McKenzie, who is a journalist for Gambian News and Dr. Afolabi who teaches at the University of Ibadan Nigeria and the two are guests at Seamount hotel. She interviews Dr Afolabi about his document way omega which was to be debated by heads of states at Pinnacle hotel.
Afolabi informs her that way Omega would change African politics dramatically and prevent millitary coups, rigging of elections and foul play. We later come to know that Afolabi was invited by Presidents in the Summit.
The Arthur reveals the Joy of the 49 heads of state who are at Banjul to attend the summit, given that they have escaped trouble from their home countries on the other hand, for the Gambians it was not fun to host the dignitaries since bull dozers demolished the slums and kiosks which whole families depend for their livelihood, check points sprout everywhere, and thus gave way for guards to extort bribes from passer-bys and water points went dry.
Security at Pinnacle hotel is tight and the hotel remains an impenetrable fortress. The ministry of foreign Affairs and the Ministry of International cooperation have been mandated the duties of ensuring that the heads of state enjoy their stay from the arrival day to the day of their departure.
The author tells us on the considerations made on the accommodation of the heads of states and they decided to use the United Nations way that is, the alphabetical order of the country’s official names, from Algeria, Angola to the last one Zimbabwe, in terms of rooms each delegation whether big or small was to be treated equally by being given four rooms per delegation.
Gambians are tired down to poverty in the majority of the citizens live in slums, and their livelihoods depend on kiosks which are demolished to pave way for the dignitaries to see few streets and have sidewalks.
Water is not readily available at the water points, it gets worse when the dignitaries arrive it is pumped to the fountains to mesmerize the visitors. (Pg 11)
Are demolished to pave way for the dignitaries to see few streets and have sidewalks.
The document titled way omega had been discovered by twenty Nobel Laureates who discovered a way to develop Africa and the published the discovery in a document pg7
Eritrea and Ethiopia are depicted as enemies and the two presidents rarely see eye to eye so during the summit they should not be seated next to each other. (Page 13)
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Dr. Afolabi is optimistic that if the heads of states opt to adopt the document way Omega, it will bring change in Africa’s politics and there will be no more rigged elections, military coups and foul play. (Pg 7)
Misappropriation of public resources pg. 15
*Corruption – checkpoints sprout everywhere making the guards pg11 extort bribes from motorists and passers-by.
Bad governance-demolishing of kiosks pg 11
Shutting all the water points
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- The Author does not disclose on the onset of the story the intentions of the four strangers who meet at Seamount hotel in Banjul. (pg 1)
- “None of them knew of the other three or about being one of the four “.
- Professor Kimani is vividly described as a man about sixty years. His hair line was all the way back to his crown, he had a strange habit of smacking lips…..(Pg 1)
- Ngobile Melusi is described to have had a bushy moustache which wriggled over his mouth when he talked.(Pg 1).
- Pastor Chineke Chiamaka is also described as having Big and flabby body, and looked like a failed Sumo wrestler (pg 1)
- Engineer Seif Tahir nature of working seemed to be in motion powered by rebellion (pg 2)
- Fiona McKenzie was wearing a scarlet blouse, a black skirt and red high heels (pg4)