kcse 2023 marking schemes

kcse 2023 marking schemes

kcse 2023 marking schemes

KCSE Past Papers

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KCSE Past Exam Papers – English, Swahili, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Biological Science.

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  • Biology Study Guide | Biology Notes | Exam Guide | Questions & Answers
  • Biology Questions and Answers Form 1 – Biology Quizzes, Trivia, Answer
  • Biology Questions and Answers Form 2 – High School Biology Tests/Exams
  • Biology Questions and Answers Form 3 – High School Biology Tests/Exams
  • Biology Questions and Answers Form 4 – High School Biology Exams Q & A
  • Biology Diagrams – Images for Biology – Diagram Examples for Biology 

    The Science of Biology

  • Introduction to Biology
  • Characteristics of Living Things
  • Characteristics of Living Things Test
  • Scientific Method
  • Scientific Method Test

    The Chemical Basis of Life

  • Acid and Bases
  • Acid and Bases Test
  • Molecules
  • Molecules Test
  • Organic Compounds
  • Organic Compounds Test
  • Elements and Atoms
  • Elements and Atoms Test

    The Biology of Cells

  • Cells Define
  • Movement through the Plasma Membrane
  • Movement through the Plasma Membrane Test
  • The Structure of Prokaryote and Eukaryote Cells
  • Prokaryote and Eukaryote Cells Test

    Cells and Energy

  • The Laws of Thermodynamics
  • Chemical Reactions
  • Chemical Reactions Test
  • Enzymes
  • Enzymes Test
  • Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
  • Adenosine Triphosphate ATP Test
  • ATP Production
  • ATP Production Test


  • Photosynthesis Defined
  • Photosynthesis Test
  • Chloroplast
  • chroloplast Test
  • Photosystems
  • Molecules Photosystems Test
  • Process of Photosynthesis
  • The Process of Photosynthesis Test

    Cellular Respiration

  • Introduction To Cellular Respiration
  • Glycolysis
  • Test on Glycolysis
  • Krebs Cycle
  • Test On Krebs Cycle
  • Electron Transport System
  • Test On Electron Transport System
  • Chemiosmosis
  • Chemiosmosis Test
  • Fermentation
  • Fermentation Test

    Mitosis and Cell Reproduction

  • Cell Cycle
  • Cell Cycle Test
  • Cell Nucleus
  • Cell Nucleus Test

    Meiosis and Garment Formation

  • Meiosis
  • Test Meiosis
  • Meiosis in Humans
  • Meiosis in Humans Test


  • Introduction to Genetics
  • Inheritance Patterns
  • Inheritance Patterns Test
  • Principles of Genetics
  • Principles of Genetics Test

    Gene Expression(Molecular Genetics)

  • DNA Defined
  • DNA Replication
  • DNA Replication Test
  • Protein Synthesis
  • Protein Synthesis Test
  • DNA Structure
  • DNA Structure Test
  • Gene Control
  • Gene Control Test

    Recombinant DNA and Biotechnology

  • Recombinant DNA
  • Pharmaceutical Products
  • Diagnostic Testing
  • Diagnostic Testing Test
  • Gene Therapy
  • Gene Therapy Test
  • DNA Fingerprinting
  • DNA Fingerprinting Test
  • Searching for DNA
  • Searching for DNA Test
  • DNA and Agriculture
  • DNA and Agriculture Test
  • Cloning and Stem Cells
  • Cloning and Stem Cells Test
  • Tools of Biotechnology
  • Tools of Biochemistry Test
  • Transgenic Animals
  • Transgenic Animals Test
  • Human Genome
  • Human Genome Test

    Principals of Evolution

  • History of the Theory of Evolution
  • Evidence for Evolution Test
  • Mechanisms of Evolution
  • Mechanisms of Evolution Test
  • Theory of Evolution
  • Theory of Evolution Test
  • Evidence for Evolution Test

    The origin and Evolution of Life

  • Origin of Cells
  • Origin of Cells Test
  • Ancient Life
  • Ancient Life Test
  • First Eukaryotes
  • First Eukaryotes Test
  • Life on Land
  • Life on Land Test
  • Origin of Organic Molecules
  • Origin of Organic Molecules Test

    Human Evolution

  • Human Evolution Test
  • Homo Erectus
  • Homo Erectus Test
  • Homo Sapiens
  • Homo Sapiens Test
  • Australopithecus
  • Australopithecus Test
  • Homo Habilis
  • Homo Habilis Test

    The unity of Divesity

  • Basics of Classification (Taxonomy)
  • Basics of Classification (Taxonomy) Test
  • Kingdoms of Living Things
  • Domains and Kingdoms of Living Things Test


  • Intro to Prokaryotes and Viruses
  • Prokaryotes and Virues Test
  • Domain Bacteria
  • Domain Bacteria Test
  • Cyanobacteria
  • Viruses
  • Viruses Test
  • Domain Archaea
  • Domain Archaea Test


  • Algae
  • Algae Test
  • Oomycetes
  • Oomycetes Test
  • Protozoa
  • Protozoa Test
  • Slime Molds
  • slime-molds Test


  • Fungi Defined
  • Fungi Test
  • Ascomycetes
  • Ascomycetes Test
  • Basidiomycetest
  • Deuteromycetes
  • Deuteromycetes Test
  • Fungal Disease
  • Fungal Disease Test
  • Fungi Test
  • lichens
  • lichens Test
  • Zygomycetes
  • Zygomycetes Test

    Plants:Diversity and Reproduction

  • Plants Diversity and Reproduction Test
  • Introduction to Plants
  • Nonvascular Plants Defined
  • Novascular Plants Defined Test
  • vascular Plants Described
  • Vascular Plants Test

    Vascular Plants: Structure and Function

  • Vascular Plants
  • Ground Tissue
  • Grouned Tissue Test
  • Dermal Tissue
  • Dermal Tissue Test
  • Meristematic Tissue
  • Meristematic Tissue Test
  • Roots
  • Roots Test
  • Stems
  • Stems Test
  • Leaves
  • Leaves Test
  • Vascular Tissue
  • Vascular Tissue Test
  • Water Movement
  • Water Movement Test
  • Plant Hormones
  • Plant Hormones Test


  • Cnidaria
  • Cnidaria Test
  • Platyhelminthes
  • Platyhelminthes Test
  • Annelida
  • Annelida Test
  • Mollusca
  • Mollusca Test
  • Arthropoda
  • Arthropoda Test
  • Invertebrates
  • Porifera
  • Porifera Test
  • Nematoda
  • Nematoda Test
  • Echinodermata
  • Echinodermata Test
  • Chordata
  • Chordata Test


  • Animals Vertebrates Test
  • Fishes
  • Fishes Test
  • Amphibians
  • Amphibians Test
  • Reptiles
  • Reptiles Test
  • Birds
  • Birds Test
  • Mammals
  • Mammals Test

    Nutrition and Digestion

  • Introduction to Nutrition and Digestion
  • Human Digestive System
  • Human Digestive System Test
  • Nutrition In Animals
  • Nutrition In Animals Test

    Gas Exchange

  • Human Respiratory System
  • Human Respiratory System Test
  • Mechanisms For Gas Exchange
  • Mechanisms For Gas Exchange Test

    Blood and Circulation

  • Circulatory Systems
  • Circulatory Systems Test
  • Human Circulatory System
  • Human Circulatory Systems Test

    Excretion and homeostastis

  • Excretory Systems
  • Excretory Systems Test
  • Human Excretory System
  • Human Excretory Systems Test

    Chemical Coordination

  • Excretory Systems Test
  • Excretory Systems
  • Excretory Systems Test

    Nervous Coordination

  • Animal Nerve Cells
  • Animal Nerve Cells Test
  • Human Central Nervous Systems
  • Human Central Nervous Systems Test
  • Human Pheripheral Nervous System
  • Human Peripheral Nervous System Test
  • Human Senses
  • Human Senses Test


  • Ecology Test
  • Communities
  • Communities Test
  • Ecosystems
  • Ecosystems Test
  • Biosphere
  • Biospheres and Biomes
  • Populations
  • Populations Test


  • Human Reproduction
  • Female Reproductive System
  • Female Reproductive System Test
  • Fetilization and Development
  • Fertilization and Development Test
  • Populations Test
  • Birth
  • Birth Test
  • Fetal Development
  • Fetal Development Test
  • Male Reproductive System
  • Male Reproductive System Test
  • Embryonic Stage
  • Embryonic Stage Test

    Support and Movement In Animals

  • Human Muscle
  • Human Muscle Test
  • Skeletons in Animals
  • Skeletons in Animals Test