grade 7 life skills notes

grade 7 life skills notes

grade 7 life skills notes


SELF AWARENESS means having an accurate understanding of ourselves.
That includes knowing our strengths, weakness, values, emotions and hopes and how they
influence our behaviour in different circumstances.

Describing self in relation to the five dimensions of a human being
 Every person should understand themselves
1. Physically
2. Socially
3. Psychologically
4. Spiritually
5. Economically
 Those who are self aware can objectively evaluate themselves, manage their
emotions, align their behaviour with their values and understand how others perceive
 The physical qualities are the things we can see in someone. These include their
height, weight, skin colour and any other feature that can be seen in someone.
 Physical awareness also means that one understands the different gender roles and
expectation. For example both boys and girls should be aware of the different changes
that takes place in their bodies as they grow and develop
 A person who is physically self aware understands that no physical feature makes
someone lesser human beings. They take pride in how they appear and do not wait for
validation from other people
 Being socially aware means that one understands how they react to different social
situations and effectively modify their interactions with other people so that they
achieve the best results.
 Psychotically awareness refers to one’s preparedness to tackle the challenges that they
face in their daily life. A person who is psychologically aware always gives
themselves positive affirmation before they confront their challenges.
 Spiritual awareness means one being aligned with the values they hold dear. It also
means working towards finding one’s higher purpose. Spiritual awareness enables one
to understand the religious beliefs and values that align with their purpose
 Economic awareness means one understanding, accepting and seeking to improve
their social status in the community. One who is economically aware understands that
different people are at different stages in life and everybody else is always seeking to climb a step higher in the social ladder.

Identifying personal talents and abilities
 Everyone is good at something. People are good at different activities and skills because they have different strengths.

 A talent is an inborn ability within a person which makes them excel in a certain activity without actually learning or acquiring it.
 Talents require recognition so that they can be shaped to the benefit of their owners.
 People have used their talents to develop themselves as well as make an impact in their communities
 An ability is someone capacity to do something. It is always acquired through constant practise or training. It is something anyone can have.
 Making use of our talents and abilities to make a positive impact in the society makes us happy. It is important we can say we are at our best