Grade 1 Hygiene and Nutrition Notes

Grade 1 Hygiene and Nutrition Notes

Grade 1 Hygiene and Nutrition Notes

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Grade 1 Notes: Hygiene and nutrition

Topic: Healthy  practices

Sub strand: healthy habits

 1: What are healthy habits?

Healthy habits are things we do to stay healthy.Things we do to stay healthy are; playing, washing hands, brushing teeth and eating healthy foods.We practice healthy habits to prevent us from getting diseases.

2: which healthy habits prevents illnesses?

Illiness is a disease and we get diseases when we don’t practice healthy habits

Habits that prevent illnesses are:

  Washing hands

Sleeping well

Using the toilet or latrine

Doing exercises

Eating healthy foods

Bathing everyday

3: Why do we practice healthy habits.

We practice healthy habits to prevent our bodies from getting diseases i.e

We wash hands to remove germs,

We use the toilet to prevent illnesses,

We bathe everyday to keep body clean,

We exercise to keep our body fit.

4: Doing healthy habits

Let Learners go out and do healthy habits like running, skipping, playing football etc.

Care for the teeth

  • What are milk teeth?

We grow two sets of teeth

The first set are called milk teeth

As babies grow older they loose the milk teeth.The second set of teeth are called permanent teeth

  • Removing teeth in a clean way

How to remove teeth in a clean way

1.Wash your hands

2.Hold the tooth with a clean cloth

3.Remove the tooth

4.Put the cloth in a bin

5.Gurgle salty water

Gurgle is to take water into the mouth,move it round then spit it.

Exercise 1.2

1.We wash our_____before removing teeth (hands, mouth)

2.All children grow milk teeth.(true,not true)

3.Teeth that we remove are_____teeth(milk, good)

4.We do not  go to hospital to remove milk teeth.( Yes,no)

Use of medicine

Which medicine do you use at home?

Some of the medicines we take at home are;

  • Capsules
  • Tablets
  • Ointment cream
  • Using inhaler
  • Putting nose drops
  • Syrup

Sick people take medicine to feel better

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