Biology Form 1 – Form 4 Revision Notes PDF

Biology Form 1 – Form 4 Revision Notes PDF

Biology Form 1 – Form 4 Revision Notes PDF

Chapter 1: Summarized notes on introduction to biology



This topic covers various subtopics including:

  • Definition of Biology – What is Biology?
  • Branches of Biology
  • Importance of biology
  • Characteristics of Living Organisms
    • Nutrition
    • Respiration
    • Gaseous Exchange
    • Excretion
    • Growth and Development
    • Reproduction
    • Irritability
    • Movement
  • Collection of Specimen
    • Sweep net
    • Fish net
    • Pooter
    • Bait trap
    • Pit fall trap
    • Pair of forceps
    • Specimen bottles
    • Magnifying lens
    • Precautions During Collection and Observation of Specimen
  • Comparison Between Plants and Animals

Chapter 2: Summarized notes on classification 1


This topic covers various subtopics including;

  • Introduction
  • External features used in classification
    • External features of plants used in classification
    • External features of animals used in classification
  • Importance of Classification
  • Historical background of Classification
  • Taxonomic Units of Classification
  • Scientific Naming of Living Organisms
  • Rules of Binomial Nomenclature
    • Origin of Scientific Names

Chapter 3: Summarized notes on the cell


This topic covers various subtopics including;

  • Introduction
  • The Light Microscope
    • Parts of a Microscope
    • Handling and Care of the Microscope
    • How to use the Microscope
  • Cell Structures as seen under the Light and Electron Microscope
    • Cell Structure under Light Microscope
    • The Cell as seen under the Electron Microscope
  • Structure and Functions of the Cell Organelles
  • Comparison between Plant Cells and Animal Cells
  • Cell Specialization/Cell Differentiation
    • Tissues
    • Organs
    • Organ System

Chapter 4: Summarized notes on cell physiology


This topic covers various subtopics including;

  • Introduction
  • Structure of the Membrane
  • Properties of the cell membrane
  • Physiological Processes of the Cell membrane
  • Diffusion
    • Demonstration of the Process of Diffusion using Potassium Manganate (VII)
    • The Role of Diffusion in Living Organisms
    • Factors Affecting the Rate of Diffusion
  • Osmosis
    • Demonstration of Osmosis Using a Visking Tubing
    • Explanation of Osmosis, Osmotic Pressure & Osmotic Potential
    • Water Relations in Animals
    • Water Relations in Plants
    • Role of Osmosis in Organisms
    • Factors Affecting the Rate of Osmosis
  • Active Transport
    • Role of active transport in living organisms
    • Factors affecting the rate of Active Transport

Chapter 5: Summarized notes on nutrition in plants and animals


This topic covers various subtopics including;

  • Introduction
    • Modes of Nutrition
  • Autotropism
    • Importance of Photosynthesis
    • External Leaf Structure
    • Internal Leaf Structure
    • Adaptations of the Leaf to Photosynthesis
    • Raw Materials for Photosynthesis
    • Conditions for Photosynthesis
    • Photosynthesis Process
    • Testing for Starch in a Leaf
    • Factors Affecting the Rate of Photosynthesis
    • Experiment to Investigate the Gas Produced During Photosynthesis
    • Experiments on Factors Necessary for Photosynthesis
  • Chemicals of Life
    • Carbohydrates
    • Lipids
    • Proteins
    • Enzymes
  • Heterotrophism
    • Modes of Heterotrophism
    • Dentition
    • Classes of Holozoic Heterotrophs
    • Dental Formula
    • Dental Diseases
    • Dental Hygiene
  • Digestion
    • Digestion in the Mouth
    • Digestion in the Stomach
    • Digestion in the Ileum
    • Absorption
    • Egestion
    • Assimilation
  • Importance of Vitamins, Mineral Salts, Roughage and Water in Human Nutrition
  • Factors affecting energy requirements in humans